Medical Malpractice Cases

Our team includes medical records analysts who understand medical terminology and physicians in different specialties.

AcroDocz provides end-to-end service to Medical Malpractice lawyers. Our team includes:

  • Medical records analysts who understand medical terminology.
  • Physicians from different specialties.

Medical Malpractice cases require specialty-specific expertise. In addition, the medical opinion on the cases could vary between experts. Therefore, to support the lawyers through the chain of complex medical-legal documentation, our team performs an initial review of medical records and standard of care.
First, the medical records reviewers help the attorneys sift through the complex maze of medical records documentation. Next, our physicians provide a medical opinion to help attorneys substantiate the malpractice.

Specialty specific expertise

Here is a brief outline of the specialties we handle:

  • Anesthesiology.
  • Cancer Screening & Diagnosis.
  • Cardiology Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery.
  • Cosmetic Surgery.
  • Dental.
  • Ear, Nose & Throat.
  • Ophthalmology.
  • Emergency Medicine.
  • Gastroenterology.
  • Hematology.
  • Internal Medicine.
  • Infectious Diseases.
  • Neurology.
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology.
  • Orthopedics & Orthopedic Surgery.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Surgery.

Types of medical malpractice cases

  • Childbirth Injuries.
  • Clinical Negligence.
  • Delayed Diagnosis.
  • Dental Negligence.
  • Informed Consent.
  • Medication dosage and Side Effects.
  • Misdiagnosis.
  • Morphine Overdose.
  • Negligent Surgical Practice.
  • Procrastination.
  • Surgical Complications.
  • Toxicity.

Services Provided to Support Medical Malpractice Cases:

  • Dedicated Medical Records Reviewers: We provide dedicated medical records reviewers to help attorneys get powerful summaries of medical records structured in a chronological manner.
  • Increased Quality and Turnaround time: Reduce the time spent in identifying the right cases. We help you screen the case, get focused information on each case’s history, and provide multiple types of documents to improve the chances of settlement.
  • Improve success rates and get higher settlements: Estimating the nature and extent of damages requires clear supporting evidence. Powerful summaries or narratives could unearth the supporting evidence. But, this complex process requires focused time and attention from attorneys. As a partner to lawyers, we sift through mountains of medical records to provide concise and fact-based documentation to improve your success rate.


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