Technical Services
Additional technical services to aid you in reviewing medical records such as Bookmarks, Hot Links, and PDF Sorters are available.
- Bookmarks are PDF document navigational tools that allow the reader to quickly locate and link to the points of interest within the medical record. They can be prepared in user-defined categories such as providers, record types, and dates, allowing easy file access. Each bookmark directs to a particular page to the PDF assigned to that bookmark. Bookmarking enables you to jump from one page to another without friction while sifting through a bulky document.
- Hot Links allow for instant navigation from summaries and timelines to the corresponding source page. This increases the efficiency and accuracy of locating the original records. This service is available only in PDF version. Clicking the references in the hot-linked document will take you to the corresponding page in the medical records.
- PDF Sorting. We arrange the mixed-up medical records in the order of your preference. We specialize in sorting the medical records based on chronological occurrences (date-wise), provider, and service types. We can also custom sort the medical records based on your preferences. Our PDF sorting services include arranging pages as per the order of occurrence, deleting and reordering an unarranged file, and include other additional important files into the PDF.
Our Technical Services reduce the burden of having to navigate through a thousand-page medical history document and reduce the time spent by attorneys and law firms on finding the key points.