Medical Documentation: Summaries & Errors
Attorneys and law firms spend millions of dollars on organizing medical records. Acrodocz brings market-leading medical records solutions for retrieving, organizing, and summarizing medical records to help you reduce costs, save time, and improve success rates. Get access to our best practices and thought leadership through AcroDocz’s weekly newsletter
Four Major Types of Medical Documentation Errors
Errors in medical documentation can result in inaccurate capture of patient details, treatment plans, medications prescribed, and overall medical history which are an important part of patient care. Learn about some of the many frequently occurring medical documentation errors.
What are Medical Narrative Summaries and what do they include?
A Medical Narrative Summary is a brief account of the flow of events in a patient’s medical history and is prepared to help an attorney in preparing for a deposition and the case going into trial. Read more about Medical Narrative summaries and how they can help win the litigation.
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About Acrodocz
AcroDocz employs a team with expertise in retrieving, assembling, and summarizing medical records and identifying missed records. We support law firms by handling all medical documentation related tasks, thus allowing attorneys to focus on their representation clients. AcroDocz is equipped to handle any size project for a small, mid-sized, or large law firm. To learn more, visit us at